~ from a song I am working on (that's right, I am quoting myself. Deal with it). It would make an excellent bumper sticker. Later. Too soon. Definitely too soon.
Strange days. I went out last Saturday night (3.21.20) in Portland and it was like being in a sci fi flick; empty parking lots, closed businesses, nervous looking people in masks and you think about every damn thing you touch and wonder whether a little invader is entering you. I watched empty trains sliding by and got a little chill.
We will get through this, but it will get much worse (already has since I started this draft a few days ago). I imagine I will be posting on both blogs (the two I refer to are the most active, this one and the music history blog: A Music History, by Wayne R. Flower) more often now that I am sheltering in place. Meanwhile, the clothes wear no emperor (from the same poem in progress). Be well. Pace yourself. Take walks. Create shit, even if, or hell, especially if you aren't an artist or necessarily creative - it helps, no one will have to see it! We are in for the long hall, let's take care of each other and ourselves since leadership is, eh...challenged.
Share this blog. I ain't on the Facebook (for personal reasons, no disrespect, and yes I know my request is ironic) I may be wrong, but I think people may like it about now...
Love to folks and Critters
Wayne Ray Flower II
My boy Denni has made sheltering in place a better place to be.....
Odd electric fruit.....
'KILL YOUR LANDLORD' - I can't remember the origin of this phrase/sentiment, a song I think. Tensions with landlords (a term I stopped using, it took a while - but I am not a serf nor are they my lord; it is their building, it is my home, we have a contract. You can quote me on that) are rising in towns and cities everywhere, especially densely populated urban areas, as demands for a rent freeze ramp up. Things will get ugly, it is certain. Hoping better natures prevail among the privileged owner class.....
"RaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyNeeeeeeeeeeeeerBeeeeeeeeeeeeeer," (for those old enough to remember the old commercials).....
The Holy Bus Stop Stump.....
The wild gas tank in its unnatural habitat. Shhhh....It's almost feeding time.....
Bolders to pebbles to riding rails.....
Still life.....
Life is still (now).....
Don't jump! We got this.....
Here it is again, it has eaten and is sleeping...
Artist in life imitating his art.....
Inheritor of the world: The Green, The Insects, The Molds.....
I just like this as it has an Americana myth sheen to it.....
Story the Tree. If I were a tree, I would marry her.