(no author/artists credited at source)
...And yeah, there is plenty of fodder for conspiracy theories, and sometimes they are right in the end, natch. But if that were true, and if they wanted to take Trump down, they would have done so BEFORE he was elected. That kills any argument right there. Yep. Here we are. More on this in later entries. In short, hardly anyone will read the Mueller Report. If you haven't you should. I have told myself I will not debate it with anyone if they haven't read it (even discussing it seems unproductive) and the beauty of that is, I won't be spending much time debating it as a result! (for that reason, and, that I deleted my Facebook account). The bad side of this is that, as a result of no one reading it, more will have the wool pulled over their eyes. We have seen this big infant man fail to the top before. Don't be shocked if it happens again. It's God's plan, remember? (oh Lord I hope not).
[Not sure why, but the whole rest of this entry has an entirely different line-spacing setting, despite it looking fine when editing. Blogger sometimes does shit like this - No matter what I try: Pasting into text editor, formatting in Word, none of it works. I am pleased overall with Blogger, but shit like this drives me nuts!]
More reminders...
...Democrats are in on the take, too and yes of course we need to get God's fail-to-the-top-experiment out of power any way possible, last resort, the ballot. I just mean don't get woolly eyed and forget. Congress is mostly a self-serving and dealing group, established by slave owning, elitist wealth hoarders who tricked poor people into kicking out the British rich so they themselves could plunder their riches and land and often not pay the soldiers who won it for them (the story that may not have been told in your public school books if you are, like me, of a certain age - read Howard Zinn's education altering masterwork of history, 'A People's History of the United States') DIGRESSION ALERT: My point is that nothing has really changed. I am not a huge Bill Maher fan but he nailed it once when he said (from memory) "Republicans will just outright piss on you. Democrats will give you an umbrella first." Yes.
Admittedly, this cartoon is slightly off topic, but I may do an entry on my loathing of 'Undecided' voters who fuck everything up for all of us. If you are undecided now, after everything that has happened...WHAT THE HELL DOES IT TAKE? Ahem...Back to the thread...
My whole political existence as a voting adult has been a nose holding affair. Always a vote against rather than for. The way the Democratic establishment operated during the 2016 US presidential election was shameful in its own special way. The crime of what the Trump campaign and Russians did was so heinous that we forget what was uncovered in the leaked DNC emails; Crush the little people by any means necessary because they aren't buying our bullshit. But here we are...Held to a forced political dichotomy that is so ingrown as to be impossible to disassemble. So we must choose...
I'll take the umbrella.
But I will have my eye on them, as always. And it is wonderful what happened in the 2018 congressional elections, where women, women of color, Muslim women, and people of the LGBTQ community won seats, some of them in unlikely red states. I like, nay, love how these freshmen make the Dems taking money from big pharma and insurance companies clutch their pearls. More, please. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is looking more and more like it isn't a train after all. We shall see.
I'll take the umbrella.
But I will have my eye on them, as always. And it is wonderful what happened in the 2018 congressional elections, where women, women of color, Muslim women, and people of the LGBTQ community won seats, some of them in unlikely red states. I like, nay, love how these freshmen make the Dems taking money from big pharma and insurance companies clutch their pearls. More, please. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is looking more and more like it isn't a train after all. We shall see.
And now, check some pixels...
All photos by Wayne R. Flower unless otherwise credited
Love to Folks and Critters,
Wayne Ray Flower II
Untitled 6
Sometimes, the world
forces itself upon your eyes,
makes you know it.
A violent rainbow
spewed from the earth and
clouds, stained
with the rosy blood of stars,
boiled to steam by the sun.
I am so small here,
on this round, living thing
that waits to swallow me
and my history.
~Wayne R. Fower
...Wow, cheer up, bub!
...Wow, cheer up, bub!
I thought this one fit the entry well...
Sketch by Wayne R. Flower, 2019
Sketch by Wayne R. Flower, 2019
Hand drawn (hand self portraits are kinda my new thing)
Sketch by Wayne R. Flower, 2019
This is a train hitch for a MAX transit train in Portland, Oregon. It looks like something Jack Kirby would draw.
Here's a bit of mind blowing synchronicity: I looked up 'jack kirby machines' on Google image search (after getting only vacuum cleaners with 'kirby machines' - which I love, had a cleaning business, the best there is if an older model, fucking tanks - DIGRESSION ALERT...) and the story line made me realize I was reading this story currently in a Jack Kirby Stan Lee book on The Inhumans (not to be confused with Agents of Shield Inhumans, which are barely based on this) and I hadn't seen this, I looked in the book and I was 2 pages away from it. I love what this person did by imagining how this machine might actually move, well done.
Green screen
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