Thursday, July 25, 2019

If at first you don't succeed,

...lie, lie again. After the Mueller testimony and the utter toxic truth, I hope you bafflingly (not a word, but I dig it - deal with it) undecided voters can now see that the choice in 2020 is clear. Virtually anyone is better than Trump (except Pence. More dangerous because he would do shit under the radar - his record is appalling, and he is a believer in 'gay conversion therapy,' of making women who have abortions bury the fetus, I shit you not - never was passed in Indiana, but he was gung ho about it) and is straight up a husband outta fucking 'Stepford Wives,' what were we talking about again?!?!?)))))) Oh yeah. 

It has been a bit, for this blog, anyway, but all my days both at work and in life are fairly crazy right now (personal stuff all good, mostly music stuff, work just work with one guy on vacay so busier.) So for the 5 or so people who read this (ahem!), here are some recent photos and words. I am working on a longer post, an essay about almost dying a few times. Coming soon to a quiet lil blog off in a lonely corner of the Galaxy near YOU...

Here we are.


All photos by Wayne R. Flower

Downtown Portland Oregon as seen from the Hawthorne Bridge, just East of the metal part, East side of the river.

Iron window grate above a door where I rehearse with a band and rehearse drums for other bands (I need to play bass in a band again! I digress...)


At the classic car consignment place by where I live. When I was from age 9 to 11 or so, this was my all time favorite car, color too. I drew it a lot. I got good at drawing cars in grade school, a way for a loser boy who looked like a little girl with the last name Flower to become popular in some way. It is interesting to note that children at the time were like seeds of future non artist consumers of art; demanding and wanting things for free! "Draw me a car!"

Ladder between worlds

Waynebook post: 
Just hanging with the ladies at the beach! #beachbabes #sexybeast

"Dad, post this with some dumb quote, as if I can really talk. You are kinda dumb to think that, pop. And also...YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD! Oh, and uh...good morning, eh, Dad. Can you be a sport and fill my food bowl and water bowl? Shit doesn't grow on trees....You do realize I'm 'talking' to you, right? Get on it, ape!"

This old dude obviously just went through a rough divorce/break up. Heal well, cowboy.

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