It hit me the other night that with what is going on in the US and Britain at the same time now is a tale we always heard about how the US is just the New Rome, and that it's decline is coming, or happening, depending upon what quarters you choose to live in, what you choose to believe, what to filter, all that jazz. But it isn't just us, it's us and our 'strongest/best/closest' ally, Mother Britain, our colonial empirical ancestors, the Emperors who gave us it all, who schooled us in murder (and then 'our own' country built once liberated from England, by wealthy elites who used poor people to seize the Royalist's wealth, then hoard it and screw the poor over, eventually pitting them against each other. A nation built, literally, on the backs and blood of enslaved human beings, which caused this country to rise to power at an accelerated rate, and to go on to slaughter the natives here to steal their land, make no mistake about it, white folks. We showed you, Mother.)
These two empires that have brutalized or taught brutalization to the world, manifesting as a fucking death fest where these empires use people who are just trying to get by each day, the people who do all their dirty work while the rich clutch their pearls, as their fodder. These empires are are now faced with idiots in charge of the fate of millions, the Russian puppets, not only people, but puppet policies.The Russians have gotten deeper than anyone, hats off. They run businesses in the US, in countries everywhere - entire communities count on the jobs from their factories and other employers - It goes oh so much deeper than election hacking, and even that has had some test runs into voting machines that are under reported about. They are up in us, to put it crudely. They have a firm hold on the collective genitals of the Western World. (oh-I guess that is also crude). I digress with the best! (my new way of saying I digress, as of now). And it crumbles like, well, yes, like Rome, in stereo, the absurd and somehow beautiful decline of western civilization once saved from Obama's tan suit.
Will you wake up, Republicans in Congress, before you get us all blown to fucking Kingdom Come (and we rebelled against a kingdom, see...) Democrats... FOR FUCK'S SAKE DO SOMETHING.
Which reminds me of a joke I wrote the other night as I woke at 4 am to pee...
Trump could get shot on 5th Avenue and nobody would care (a parody on his words to a similar yet opposite effect, oh confused ones)
I could go on and on but I won't (maybe later...)
In other news, I got a new phone and these days that means a new camera....
All photos by Wayne R. Flower
"What should the city icon be?"
"I know! A donut!"
"I know! A donut!"
Our tendency to see faces is strong...even when there are 3 eyes...
A drunk tree. Now I have seen everything.
"Yeah I'll be there in a sec, just going to smoke a cig..." ...Tchik!Tchik! BOOM!
I want it known that I am 100% pro duce. (sorry) (not really)
"Back in the day, I was hearty! I was thick and green and full of thorny bits and....Back in the day, I was hearty! I was thick and green and..."
No, the doorway is not rounded - That is some default effect or accidental effect - A new phone, as mentioned...Kinda cool, though.